Hiermee verstuur je Bitcoins naar een ander Bitcoin-adres. Door je Bitcoins te versturen naar een Bitcoin-adres van Bitvavo.com, Bitonic.nl, Guarda.com of een andere wisseldienst, krijg je in ruil voor je Bitcoins geld op je bankrekening. Volg hiervoor de stappen op één van de betreffende websites.
Huidige transactiekosten / Mining Fee: ฿ [verander].BELANGRIJK: Voor een snelle afhandeling bij het versturen van Bitcoins wordt een minimale Mining Fee van ฿ 0.000010 aanbevolen. Pas de huidige Mining Fee hierboven aan naar ten minste deze aangegeven aanbevolen Mining Fee (de blauwe '[verander]'-knop). Een te lage Mining Fee kan ervoor zorgen dat het soms wel een week kan duren (of helemaal niet) voordat een transactie wordt verwerkt. Een te hoge Mining Fee is zonde, omdat dit niet altijd resulteert in een sneller verwerkte transactie. Tip: Door als bedrag 'all' in te vullen, wordt automatisch je volledige Bitcoin-bedrag minus eenmalige transactiekosten ingevuld.
Geen transacties
RushWallet is an instant cross-platform bitcoin wallet. By not requiring annoying logins and passwords, RushWallet makes bitcoin simple to setup and easy to use.
Only you have control of your wallet and bitcoins
RushWallet neither holds nor has access to your bitcoins or private keys. All information is stored on the client-side, so only you have control of your wallet and your bitcoins.
Your URL is Your Key
Bookmark your wallet’s secret URL to access your RushWallet in the future. Please note, this is your private URL so do not share it with anyone. If you lose this URL your bitcoins will be lost forever.
Add a password for extra security
When creating your RushWallet we offer the option to add a password to your account. You will need to enter this password every time you access your wallet. For your own security we do not store any customer data, so don’t forget your password!
Please note, all transactions sent from your wallet include a .0001 mining fee. This fee helps support the bitcoin network and ensures your transaction goes through quickly.
Max send feature
Type "max" or "all" in the send amount field to see the maximum amount you can send from your wallet.
Bitcoin Price Indicator
The bitcoin price shown in the top header is the Bitcoinaverage.com price shown in USD.
OneName Feature
Rushwallet integrates with OneName, the Bitcoin user name registration service, for simple address lookups. Simply type in a OneName registered name when sending BTC from RushWallet and the address field will automatically populate. For more information and to claim your Bitcoin user name please visit OneName.io.
What is a RushWallet Fundraiser?
This RushWallet tool allows you to raise funds for your crowd-funding initiative or to pool money together from multiple people.
What is a RushWallet Payment Request?
This RushWallet tool allows you to easily create and manage requests for payments.
SmartRequest is a decentralized Bitcoin payment request system.
It can be used to raise funds as a crowdfunding initiative, to pool money together from multiple people, or to create a simple invoice for services rendered.
Password Recommendations
Your wallet is only as secure as your password
No minimum password length requirement
For ease of use, this is no minumum password length requirement. However, for increased security we recommend a password length of at least 8 characters. Using numbers, symbols, and a mix of upper and lower case letters in your password makes it harder for someone to guess your password.
Set Currency
Set Mining Fee
Export Keys
Tools Beta
Payment Request Manager
Fundraiser Manager
Import your by entering the ID below
Request ID
RushWallet transactions are free of charge. However, sending too little or no mining fee can greatly impact the speed at which your transactions are confirmed. You may change the fee below to alter the default mining fee.
No Fee
A miner fee will not be included in the transaction. Please note that transactions will be significantly slower to confirm.
The miner fee policy suggested by the standard bitcoin client will be used. Recommended.
A miner fee of 0.0010 BTC will be used as to ensure your transactions are processed quickly.
Set a custom miner fee.
Bevestig dat je een bedrag wilt versturen van
naar het Bitcoin-adres
Houd er rekening mee dat bovenop dit transactiebedrag nog ฿ aan transactiekosten / mining fee komt.